April 15, 2024 Maintenance and Update Info

Posted 2 months ago


Available Quest:

Baby Control (Constantinople - Daily Quest Galadria)

Reward: 12D Elements


Removed Astral / Immortal 9D on Item Mall

Added Astral / Immortal 12D on Item Mall

Added Lucky Powder 12D on NPC


Fixed Stat Bug

-Players Above 110 are now Level 120

-Players between 101 and 110 are now Level 110

-Players between 1 and 100 are now Level 100


Fixed Sky Blade Force Knock Down Chance


Fixed Ghost Walk Speed


New Items Drop from Mirror Dimension Uniques:

Cosmic Transmutation Stone

Upgrades your 12D Seal of Star to a clean 12D Seal of Moon

Universe Transmutation Stone

Upgrades your Seal of Nova Set B to a 12D Seal of Moon (plus retained)

TALA Transmutation Stone

Upgrades your Seal of Moon to a clean Seal of Sun